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Home - Martí Climent





My name is Martí Climent, and I'm a bored person who decided to learn programming. Currently studiyng Computer Science, here you can find a compilation of my side projects, which I enjoy building. From a clock for Windows 11 to an app to prepare myself for the Selectivitat exams, I have always built whatever I had in mind. Sometimes with good results, sometimes not.

The first program I ever built was a console based program, made with Python, where I mixed every single thing I had done with Python. You don't believe me? You can see here a screenshot of it. Unfortunately, I did lose that code and I don't have access to it anymore. Combined with a Wix website, it was possibly the most terrifying thing ever built by the human being.
Fortunately, my skills have improved since then. Or have they?

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Microsoft Store

My projects


UniGetUI (formerly WingetUI)

A graphical interface to install, update remove and manage packages from the most common Package Managers for Windows, such as Winget, Scoop, Chocolatey and many more

ElevenClock - A better clock for Windows 11

A better clock for Windows 11: ElevenClock will let you customize your taskbar clock, adding seconds, moving it around, changing its color and much more, like in the good old days.


Windows Widgets for UniGetUI

Widgets for the Windows 11 Widgets board and Dev Home that will help you manage your UniGetUI updates easier. Check and manage your updates at the touch of a button.

GNSS Tracker - View useful GNSS data

A handy Android app build with some classmates that obtains and display useful GNSS and Location data from your android device. Compare your GNSS and Network location, and view live satellite data from your device's GNSS Chip.

Winner of the 2024 HackUPC ESA Challenge


SelectivitApp - Old exam paper viewer

Study for the Selectivitat Exams (only in Catalonia) with the question papers and solution sheets side by side. Select the course and change the year of the exam rapidly, to be able to efficiently study. Only the source code of this application is published, there are no available releases to install.

TubeTV - Youtube TV Client for Windows Devices

Lightweight UWP Program that runs Youtube TV on your computer. Controllable with the keyboard or with the phone, it is useful for devices attached to TVs or projectors. Supports any feature Youtube TV does, such as log in, phone control, etc.


Guitar Chord Transposer - Transpose Guitar Songs

A nice, responsive and modern PWA that will help you easily transpose the chords on your guitar songs. Select the original note value the end note value — or the amount of tones you want to increase it — and voilà. Transposed!

Light browser for Android 5.0+

A little, WebView-based, fast browser that is not bloated with unneeded features. Useful on lower-tier and old phones, such as older 1GB ram devices running lower Android versions.


My setup

To get started in developing there's nothing more crucial than the setup. And this is my dream setup, the one I use daily:

Updated the 12 of April 2024. This information is up-to-date and should be taken seriously

Contact me!

Want to get in touch with me? Fill the following form. I will reply as soon as I can.

Note: If after two weeks I have not replied, perhaps I have not received your email due to some uncaught sever error. Should this be the case, you may also contact me at marti at

© 2025, Martí Climent