A detailed guide on how to download, install and set up UniGetUI on your machine. This article will guide you through all the steps required to have UniGetUI up and running, as well as how to configure UniGetUI through the welcome wizard
Before installing UniGetUI, you might want to know that UniGetUI does only support Windows 10 (x64) and Windows 11. Therefore, Windows 8 and older are NOT supported.
UniGetUI should work on Windows Server (2019 and 2022), but they have not been tested and therefore official support is not provided.
Scroll down a little bit and click the Download UniGetUI button. The download of the installer will start.
If your download is blocked by Microsoft Edge because "UniGetUI.Installer.exe is not commonly downloaded, click on the "More options" button and then select "Keep" to save the file.
Once the download is finished, run the saved file to launch the installer. The installer will launch, and you will be prompted to select your language.
Click next, leave the default installation folder if you don't plan to install UniGetUI on a custom location. Finally, click next.
Now, select the type of installation you want:
Portable installation: UniGetUI will be extracted to the folder selected in the previous step. No uninstaller or shortcuts will be made
Regular installation (Recommended): UniGetUI will be installed as expected, creating an uninstaller and the selected shortcuts
Finally, click select next and click on "Install"
The installation process will start. You may be requested for administrator rights. Make sure to hit on "Yes", because otherwise some components may not get properly installed
Once the installer has finished, the installation process is done. Now move to Setting up UniGetUI.
Installing UniGetUI from a Package Manager
Another way to install UniGetUI is using package managers, instead of having to manually download and manually run the installer. To do so, follow this steps:
Open the start menu and type cmd in the search box. From the search results, select "Command Prompt".
Now, select the adequate command depending on the package manager you want to use
If you are willing to install UniGetUI from Winget (recommended), use the following command: winget install UniGetUI --source winget
Otherwise, if you want to install UniGetUI from Scoop, use the following commands
scoop bucket add extras scoop install wingetui
Chocolatey availability is on the way. I am facing several issues at the time of publishing there.
Wait until the command finishes. UniGetUI should now be installed on your system. Now move to Setting up UniGetUI
Setting up UniGetUI
Setting up UniGetUI is easy. UniGetUI has a welcome wizard that will guide you in the process of setting up UniGetUI.
This wizard presents you two options:
Default preferences: This option loads the default values recommended for everyone. Will enable Chocolatey and Winget, so the packages offered will be general software. Select this option if you want UniGetUI to easily install, update and remove your installed programs
Customize UniGetUI: This option will guide you through the basic configuration of UniGetUI. This is the option recommended for intermediate and advanced users, such as enthusiasts and developers.
If you select the first option, the wizard has completed for you. Click on "Finish". The wizard will close and UniGetUI will launch. You are now ready to use UniGetUI
However, if you select the second option, you will be guided through 3 configuration slides.
The first one is about package managers. You will need to check the package managers you want UniGetUI to use. Please note that Winget and Chocolatey come preinstalled, but Scoop, Pip and Npm must be manually installed!
After making your choice (you can enable or disable package managers by checking or unchecking the checkbox at the top-left corner of each entry), click on the "Next" button.
The second slide one will ask you if you want to cache administrator rights. The first choice is highly recommended.
Ask for administrator rights when required: Will show a UAC popup each time an installation requires elevation
Remember administrator rights: Will show a UAC popup once, and installers that do require administrator rights will be automatically elevated without further notice
Run everything as administrator: Will show a UAC prompt once, and will grant administrator rights to everything. This option works the same as if UniGetUI was run as administrator
Select an option and click "Next"
The last slide will ask you how do you want to treat updates. UniGetUI can detect and automatically install available updates for your software
On this last slide, three options are also offered:
Do NOT check for updates: UniGetUI will only list updates once, and you won't be warned about them. You will still be able to see them on the "Updates" tab
Check for updates periodically: UniGetUI will check for updates periodically, and will show a notification when updates are found. You will need to install them manually
Keep my packages up-to-date: UniGetUI will check for updates periodically, and will install them without further user interaction.
Select an option and click "Next"
The wizard has completed. Click on "Finish". The wizard will close and UniGetUI will launch. You are now ready to use UniGetUI