On this document you will find the privacy policies for all versions of UniGetUI, as well of the privacy policy of Widgets for UniGetUI.
Should you have further doubts after reading this document, please contact me through this form
UniGetUI versions released after the 22nd of January 2025 (not included) with version higher or equal to 3.1.6-beta3
collect fully anonymized usage statistics, that will be used to understand and improve UniGetUI.
No personal or private information is collected or sent
Reports crafted and/or obtained from the collected data may (or may not) be made publicly available, but in such case the information will be generic, and will never
apply to specific, identifiable users. In other words, it may be published that "Application X" has been installed 33 times in the last month, but it
will never be made public that the user with random identifier "2441251" installed this application last month.
The collected information may contain (but is not limited to) enabled/disabled settings (Does the user have autoupdates enabled?), information regarding the operations performed
within UniGetUI (the user has uninstalled X package) or information regarding UniGetUI itself (In which language is UniGetUI shown).
However, actions performed outside UniGetUI will not be sent. For example, if you manually install "Application X", UniGetUI will not share that.
In order to keep track of the percent of people using X feature, every UniGetUI client is assigned a random identifier (a sequence of random digits and characters).
This identifier is unique for every client, and if you have two machines running UniGetUI, their unique identifiers will be different.
This unique identifier meaningless, yet when it reaches the server it gets hashed, so the orignal identifier cannot be recovered.
The client identifier is never stored on the server, only the hash of it.
Your public IP may be used to prevent API abuse and rate-limiting, but it will be never linked to any of the collected/stored data, and will be erased after it has served its purpose.
If you are curious, the server used for the data collection is posted here: https://github.com/marticliment/Statistics-Server/
This section applies to all versions of UniGetUI prior to 3.1.6-beta3. This includes every version,
stable or prerelase, from UniGetUI 3.1.6-beta2 (released the 22nd of Jaunary 2025) to WingetUI 0.1 (released the 19th of June 2021).
UniGetUI does not collect, send, store nor share any kind of usage data, metrics, telemetry or equivalent.
However, the
package managers (such as WinGet, Chocolatey, Scoop, etc.) may collect telemetry.
Widgets for UniGetUI does not collect nor send any data. However, please note that newer versions of UniGetUI may.
However, Microsoft may still collect usage data from the Widgets panel and/or Dev Home.
© 2025, Martí Climent